Welcome & Introduction
Welcome to the SLOTHcares blog site. I want to take the time to give a little background of SLOTH, our intentions, and a disclaimer. Military deployments can be tough and a struggle for the ones that are deployed and on family and friends. Talking about what one has seen or gone through can be challenging. Those that are home have the challenge of trying to understand and sometimes not knowing it’s ok to ask. PTSD, depression, and suicide all have a stigma associated with them that at times doesn’t allow one to understand that help and support that is out there, as well as, how easy it is to get it.
SLOTH is an acronym that stands for Sean’s Last Opportunity To Help. SLOTH is a non-profit organization geared towards helping veterans with PTSD and depression, while raising awareness on how to prevent veteran suicide. Sean was an Air Force veteran that lost his battle to suicide on April 11th, 2015. Sean was someone that put others before himself and would give the shirt off his back. He followed his heart and found a passion in stand-up comedy making others laugh and smile. In a short 2 ½ year span, Sean made a name for himself and had great potential to go far, but this was cut short by such a treatable tragedy. SLOTH is an effort to honor and remember Sean, carrying on his name as a legacy.
Those involved in SLOTH have every good intention in helping bring to light the seriousness and permanent consequences of suicide. Knowing every event cannot be prevented, our goal is to discover ways to provide help to everyone involved and to educate on the signs and symptoms to help prevent suicide. The intention of this blog is to take a tough conversation topic and hopefully make it easier for those feeling lost and alone to open up and know they can get help. It is also here to guide loved ones in the right direction to help those that are struggling with or lost their struggle with PTSD and depression.
SLOTH’s intent is not to replace the assistance of mental health professionals. We do not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure PTSD and depression. We do not claim to have all the answers. SLOTH’s blog is to share stories and bring up tough topics to show others it’s ok and that no one is alone. It is a support system for when someone is ready to listen or open up. The blog is also to help loved ones of those struggling with PTSD and depression. Lastly, it is here to help the loved ones left behind and to help them cope after a loved one loses their battle from within.
Please feel free to read, reply, and share. SLOTH is an organization built around the support of everyone. Stay close to our blog for more help, and information regarding veteran PTSD, depression, and suicide prevention awareness.
-SLOTH Malec