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Honor, Courage, & Commitment

Hey y'all,

I wanted to take the time to explain our mission more in detail and show what it means to the SLOTH Organization. Honor, Courage, & Commitment can mean so many things when asked as separate words. When you put all three together, there are some that will perk up and give you 100% attention. This is our mission here at SLOTH. We not only want to grab your attention, we want to earn your attention and respect.

To understand our mission, you have to first know our passion for continued help to raise awareness for PTSD and suicide awareness in our veterans. Our service men and women are taught to compartmentalize their feelings and emotions to make sure they can perform under the toughest of scenarios. A lot of times they are not equipped with the ability to deal after such scenarios. Some get help, while others go undiagnosed. Family and friends feel helpless because they are not sure what to do or say. They only know that the ones they love are not the same and need help. The topics of PTSD and suicide have a stigma attached that many people feel it's tough to talk about. Through personal experiences, we feel it's our duty to continue to raise awareness, breakdown the walls and stigma associated to PTSD and suicide allowing those suffering the true help they deserve.

Board Director and retired 1st Class Petty Officer Navy SeaBee, Josh O'Brien, has so many stories over his 20 year career that will make you kick back, grab a beer, and just listen. Many are fun and cool stories. But one story that rings in my ears is how he has lost more service brothers and sisters to suicide than to combat. So, when he wanted to give his two cents in our mission statement, we were all ears. He said Honor, Courage, & Commitment! These three words mean a lot by themselves. When you put them together, they strengthen into something more. It resonates in many ways. These three words are what the US Navy and Marines were founded on so many years ago. To associate with two of our military branches means even more, especially since we are trying to help all of our brave soldiers, past and present.

Here's what Josh had to say:

"As a veteran you feel as if you are never out of the fight. Long after you put the uniform away. Those you have served with will always feel like family. The values stay with you. You utilize the same values but in different ways . My mission in the military was never to kill anyone. It was to keep your folks alive by any means necessary and I feel that the same mission applies to those that wear or have worn the uniform. The phrase, "Honor, Courage and Commitment" is a good example of a belief system that has never left me. The Core values are still utilized but in a different way. As of now I have lost more people I've served with to suicide from PTSD and depression than the amount of folks I know that died in combat. Utilizing the core values continues with me in S.L.O.T.H.. Honor those that have not only served but lost their fight w/ PTSD or Depression. Courage to stay in the fight against PTSD & Depression. Commitment to eliminate the stigma of help."

I was touched deep by this. Josh made more than a statement, he was doing what most won't do--talk about PTSD, depression, and suicide. As a civilian, I felt conflicted. I never served, but lived the military life through my parents and other family. This gave me a chance to feel as though I was giving back.

I'd like to breakdown SLOTH's mission:

HONOR- We promise to honor those that served in our military and lost their battle with PTSD and depression through suicide.

COURAGE- To stay in the fight against PTSD and depression regardless of social and societal pressures.

COMMITMENT- To eliminate the stigma as long as there's one person that's suffering in silence.

SLOTH is committed to helping those with PTSD and depression get the help they deserve and to prevent suicide because we do not want others to feel the same way we do! Regardless of your feelings about the act of suicide, follow us to help prevent such a tragic situation.

-SLOTH Malec-

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